Variables for Angular Material themes

My app has multiple theme files, and I select the theme during runtime.

    // @include angular-material-theme($client1-theme);  
    @include all-component-colors($client1-theme);
    @include theme-color-grabber($client1-theme, $client1-alternate);
    @include status-background($client1-theme);
    @include spinner-color($client1-theme);


    @include all-component-colors($client2-theme);
    @include theme-color-grabber($client2-theme, $client2-alternate);
    @include status-background($client2-theme);
    @include spinner-color($client2-theme);


I have a set of SCSS variables stored in another file colors.scss where I define variables like

$primary: mat-color($client1-primary);
$accent: mat-color($client1-accent);
$alternate: mat-color($client1-alternate);

This setup allows me to import the colors.scss file in my components and use the variables in the component's SCSS file.

Now, for each theme selection, I need to change these variable values. For example, for client2-theme, the variables should be:

$primary: mat-color($client2-primary);
$accent: mat-color($client2-accent);
$alternate: mat-color($client2-alternate);

The goal is for the component's SCSS file to use the correct colors/variable values based on the selected theme. I've tried defining global classes through mixins, but that doesn't allow me to use @extend in the component file.

Any suggestions on how this could be achieved?


Answer №1

If you're encountering a similar problem

I found a solution by creating a custom mixin that overrides the styles of the component from the main scss file, then applying the mixin for each theme.

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