What is the process for extracting the background color from a typescript file in Angular and connecting it to my HTML document?

My typescript array population is not changing the background color of my div based on the values in the array. I've attempted to set the background using [style.backgroundColor]="statusColor[i]", where statusColor is an array declared in my typescript. This approach fails, unlike binding without an array to a single object as shown: [style.backgroundColor]="statusColor". The error message says: "Cannot read property '0' of undefined".

Below is the mentioned code:

export interface IComplaint {
    id: string;
    description: string
    status: string
public complaints = {} as IComplaint[];        
public statusColor: string[];

for (let i=0; i<this.complaints.length; i++) {
        if (this.complaints[i].status === "Reported")
          this.statusColor[i] = 'red';
        else if (this.complaints[i].status === "Resolved")
          this.statusColor[i] = 'green';
        else if (this.complaints[i].status === "In progress")
          this.statusColor[i] = 'yellow';

This is how the HTML code looks like:

<mat-card class="card" *ngFor="let complaint of complaints; let i = index">
<div class="status" [style.backgroundColor]="statusColor[i]">
                        {{ complaint.status }}

<div class="status" [style.backgroundColor]="statusColor[i]">
                            {{ complaint.status }}

The goal is for the background color to change according to the status.

Answer №1

You can utilize ngStyle in the following manner

[ngStyle]="{'color': highlightColor[i]}

Answer №2

Consider using this style binding instead:


To enhance your code, I recommend implementing a pipe for processing. Pipes are also optimized for performance.

import { Pipe, PipeTransform } from '@angular/core';

  name: 'complaintBgColourPipe'
export class ComplaintBgColourPipe implements PipeTransform {
  transform(value: string): string {
    switch (value) {
      case 'Reported': {
        return 'red';

      case 'Resolved': {
        return 'green';

      case 'In progress': {
        return 'yellow';

      default: {
        return '';

Instead of manually handling each status in your complaints array, you can simply pass the status to the pipe for processing.

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