Adjustable height and maximum height with overflow functionality

Currently, I am in the process of developing a task manager for my application and facing an obstacle when trying to calculate the height of a widget. My goal is to determine the maximum height (assuming a minimum height is already set) by subtracting a certain value from the window's height for the task widget. Subsequently, I aim to dynamically retrieve the actual height of the div element and if it matches the calculated max-height, apply changes to some CSS properties. To accomplish this, I am utilizing jQuery version 1.5.2. Here is the code snippet that I have implemented...

$(document).ready(function() {
//Obtain the height for #tasks
var tH = Math.round($(window).height() - 463);
$('#tasks').css('height', tH); //Set it as the max height
var ti = Math.round($("#tasks").height()); //Retrieve the actual height of #tasks

if(tH==ti){ // If the actual height of #tasks equals the max-height, then perform...
    $('.taskItems').css('width', '172px');
    $('.tT, .tD').css('width', '135px');
    console.debug(ti + ' ' + tH);
    alert(tH + ' ' + ti); 
    console.debug(ti + ' ' + tH);

This method works perfectly fine when the "alert('true')" executes first and "max-height" is modified to "height".

However, the functioning of the if statement halts once the alert is removed.

Furthermore, changing "

$("#tasks").css('height', tH)

to "

$("#tasks").css('max-height', tH)

results in significantly mismatched values, for instance, 78/130. The corresponding CSS styling is provided below...

#tasks {
    border:1px solid #D1D1D1;
    margin:0px 0px 0px 1px;

Any assistance on resolving this issue would be greatly appreciated. Thank you in advance.

Answer №1

Whenever the window is resized, I employ the following script:

jQuery(document).ready(function () {

    jQuery(window).resize(function () {
        //alert("window changed");

function resizeDivs() {
    var clientWidth = jQuery(window).width();
    var clientHeight = jQuery(window).height();
    var newHeight = 100;
    var newWidth = 100;

    var firstDatasegment = jQuery(".datasegment")[0];

    if (!jQuery(firstDatasegment).width()) {
        currentWidth = jQuery(firstDatasegment).clientWidth;
        newHeight = currentWidth - (currentWidth / 7);
        newWidth = currentWidth;
    else {
        currentWidth = jQuery(firstDatasegment).width();
        newHeight = currentWidth - (currentWidth / 7);
        newWidth = currentWidth;

    jQuery(".text-glow").css("font-size", (clientWidth / 50) + "px");
    jQuery(".hovermenuicon .menudesc").not('.bucketText').css("font-size", (clientWidth / 50) + "px");
    jQuery("td.menudesc span:first-child").not('.bucketText').css("font-size", (clientWidth / 50) + "px");
    jQuery(".sidemenudesc").css("font-size", (clientWidth / 80) + "px");
    jQuery(".datavalue").css("font-size", (clientWidth / 80) + "px");
    jQuery(".mainmenuitem").css("font-size", (clientWidth / 50) + "px");
    jQuery(".qireportgridview table").css("font-size", (clientWidth / 80) + "px");

To provide assistance tailored to your needs, please share the basic HTML code required for this functionality to operate correctly. Once provided, I will adjust the code with a functional example.

Hope this helps!

Answer №2

  1. To set the height using $('').height(), you can also use it as a setter like this: $('#tasks').height(th);

  2. When using $('').css('height': myVal), remember to specify a unit (e.g. px). You are not currently doing that.

  3. Could you clarify what you mean by

If you comment out the alert, the if statement will no longer work as expected.

In your else-branch, there is no action taken when the alert is removed.

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