Tips for organizing a div into a dock panel

I am seeking guidance on how to align and resize the following divs based on my specific requirements outlined below.

Area A Area A should remain at the top with a set height that will not change.

Area B The height of Area B should vary between 0 and a minimum height. When the height of B is 0, Area C should expand to fill the space originally occupied by B.

The height of Area B can also increase from the minimum height to a value greater than the minimum height (X (X > min-height)). In this scenario, Area C should shrink to accommodate the increased height of Area B.

Area C Area C serves as the content area of the page and its height should adjust according to the height of Area B.

Area D Area D should stay fixed at the bottom of the page with an unchanging height.

I would like to know if it is feasible to achieve the above layout using CSS alone or if JQuery is necessary. If CSS can accomplish this, I am interested in understanding how? (Note: I have experience with achieving this using JQuery)

*I am coding in CSS3/HTML5

UPDATE I have included a link to this JSFiddle for reference.

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Answer №1

If you're considering browser support, the use of flexbox is a common solution. It's worth noting that while flexbox works well on most modern browsers, it does not have compatibility with IE 8 and 9. You can check out details here. I've actually written a blog post discussing this specific layout concern - feel free to read it here. One important thing to be aware of is the difference between the old draft syntax and the current standardized syntax supported by most browsers.

The setup for using flexbox goes like this:

  1. Create a container for A, B, C, and D. Apply

    display: flex; flex-direction: column; height: 100%;
    to this container.

  2. A, B, and D maintain their own heights without additional requirements.

  3. C should expand or shrink to fill the leftover space. Use

    flex-grow: 1; flex-shrink: 1; flex-basis: 0;
    or its short form flex: 1 1 0; on this element.

If flexbox isn't an option, consider using JavaScript as a fallback method. This involves adding a resize event listener to the window, measuring the heights of A, B, and D, and assigning the remaining height to C dynamically. Check out how this is done on with the id="content" div for reference.

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