What is the most effective method for setting CSS properties to achieve a horizontally aligned webpage?

So far, I have two options to choose from (perhaps there are more out there):

  1. One option is to set the width of the body tag to a fixed length and then set the horizontal margin to auto, which will horizontally center all contents.
  2. Another choice is to create a wrapping div inside the body, set its width to a fixed length, and then set the horizontal margin to auto. This method also centers any content within the wrapping div horizontally.

I'm undecided on which one is the better approach. If you know of another alternative that you believe to be superior, please share it with me.

Answer №1

A wrapper div offers more versatility, as you may never anticipate when an element needs to be off-center. Having a wrapper div can save time in the future if site modifications are needed, allowing for easier manipulation of sibling elements within the wrapper.

However, in cases of a simple or basic website, using 0 auto on the body element may suffice.

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