Display overlay objects specifically focused around the mouse cursor, regardless of its position on the screen

I am currently working on a project using SVG files and processing.js to develop a unique homepage that incorporates both animation and static elements. The concept is to maintain the overall structure of the original homepage but with varying colors, essentially creating an alternative version. I am seeking a way for this alternative design to subtly emerge as the mouse moves around, revealing itself only within a small area surrounding the cursor.

Has anyone encountered a method to achieve this effect? Due to the nature of SVG files, it presents some challenges.

My initial attempt involved utilizing an image along with the "drawing" element of processing.js in hopes of overlaying the alternative homepage on top of the original. Unfortunately, this approach resulted in the image being repeated wherever the mouse moved, rather than keeping the colors fixed in one position. I am looking for a solution where the alternate colors remain stationary while peeking through only in the immediate vicinity of the cursor.

Answer №1

One creative approach you could take is to overlay two versions of your website, with one covering the other entirely (ensuring that all backgrounds are solid). You can then experiment with applying an SVG mask to the top page, allowing a specific area to be transparent and reveal elements from the bottom page. This mask could also be adjusted dynamically as the user moves their mouse.

Alternatively, you could consider clipping the top layer instead of masking it.

It's important to note that this method may not be optimal in terms of speed or consistency across different browsers, so testing it out is recommended. The performance might vary depending on whether you choose to clip/mask the top or bottom layer.

If swapping out colors could convert one version of the page into another, you might want to consider utilizing SVG filters as an alternative solution.

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