I am curious about when the CSS of my website will start impacting its search engine ranking

Initially, my perception of CSS was that it was only used for styling the appearance of a document when viewed in a browser. However, I soon came to realize that search engines also utilize CSS for indexing web pages. It is said that search engines do not index content with display: hidden and they heavily penalize websites that engage in keyword stuffing (text that is not visible to the user, either due to being the same color as its background or positioned off-screen).

Are my two assumptions accurate? In what other ways do search engines use CSS? I would love to know specific examples of CSS properties that could impact my search engine ranking. :D

Answer №1

Generally speaking, your assumptions are accurate. If the text is not visible to the user, then it holds no value and will not be included in search engine indexing. In the past, website owners would manipulate search rankings by inserting irrelevant keywords and text on their pages and hiding them from view.

Furthermore, the use of headings like H1 and the placement of text on the page (which can be manipulated using CSS) play a role in determining search engine rankings.

Answer №2

Absolutely correct. If you take a moment to search on Google using the terms SEO and CSS, you will discover numerous articles similar to the one linked below:

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