Discrepancy in Table Alignment

I seem to be encountering an issue with the alignment of text in my table. It appears that there are differences in content among the columns, causing the misalignment. I have tried adding white-space within each table, but it doesn't solve the problem.

If you'd like to take a look, here's a link to the fiddle.

EDIT: Apologies for omitting details earlier. Thanks to ddenhartog for pointing that out!

Specifically, the text in my left column starts lower on the page compared to the middle column, which aligns perfectly with the start of the table. The right-most column appears somewhere between the left and center columns. My goal is to have all columns aligned at the same starting position, from the beginning of each column.

I hope this explanation clarifies things! The fiddle provides a better visual representation.

Here is the HTML code:


And here's my CSS:


Thank you for your assistance!

Answer №1

If you're noticing that the tables are vertical-align: middle by default and all your content is middle aligned, just add vertical align top to your td to achieve the desired layout:

#frontpage table td {
  vertical-align: top;

On a side note:

In this scenario, using divs instead of tables might be a better choice since it's not technically tabular data. If you're only using the table for column distribution, consider switching to divs to avoid having to unset any default table styles.

Answer №2

I want to ensure that my columns are perfectly aligned, starting from the same position in each column.

One important detail you missed is specifying the vertical alignment for your table cells:

td { vertical-align:top; }


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