Tips for obtaining the XPath for an unordered list and a span element

My goal is to find the xpath that will select the seat "12A" from a webpage containing a list of seats. Here's the source code:

<div class="seats" style="top: 48px;">
  <ul class="row_12 leftOfAisle">
    <li><a class="" data-row="12" data-seat="A" data-code="SPST" data-amount="300.00" href="javascript:;">
    <li><a class="" data-row="12" data-seat="B" data-code="SPST" data-amount="300.00" href="javascript:;">
    <li><a class="" data-row="12" data-seat="C" data-code="SPST" data-amount="300.00" href="javascript:;">

After trying out various options, I ended up with this xpath which did not work as expected:

"//*[@class='seats']/ul[@class='row_12 leftOf`Aisle']/li[1]/a"

Answer №1

Try using the Xpath below:

//div[@class='seats']/ul[@class='row_12 leftOfAisle']//span[contains(.,'12A')]

Here is the code snippet for the same functionality:

List<WebElement> allSeats = driver.findElements(By.xpath("//div[@class='seats']/ul[@class='row_12 leftOfAisle']//span"));
for(WebElement seat: allSeats){

        System.out.println(seat.getText());; // Click each element if needed


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