Tips on adjusting the size of a font icon using an inline element prior to the font being fully loaded

I'm facing an issue with embedding an icon font within text so that it wraps properly. Currently, the only way I can achieve this is by using   between the text and the icon (i tag with font awesome). However, this causes a problem as the icon has a width of 0px until the font is loaded. This breaks my layout which is dynamically calculated in JavaScript based on the size of the wrapper element.

In my specific scenario, I have a table with a sticky header and the first two columns are also sticky. This results in four separate tables where I need to ensure that the cell sizes match across all tables. The column headers contain icons like this (?) following the text. I want the text to wrap but I don't want the icon to sit alone on a line. By inserting   before the icon and treating it as an inline element, I manage to prevent it from being misaligned with the text. Otherwise, I sometimes end up with a single line where the icon appears at the end.

I've considered using different characters for the font before it loads, such as m, but found that these characters are not as wide as the icon itself.

Despite exploring various options, I cannot utilize flex or table layouts because the text must be able to wrap while the icon should behave like a character. As for preloading the fonts, I face issues since the fonts have different files and errors pop up in the console for fonts that are incompatible with the browser.

      <td>Some text&nbsp;<i class="fa fa-circle"></i></td>

Answer №1

I have discovered a clever method to ensure this functions properly. I am utilizing dummy icons and concealing them once the fonts have finished loading.

table th i::after {
  content: '⌧';
  color: transparent;
.fonts-loaded table th i::after {
  content: none;

Additionally, I am integrating the font loading API mentioned in this thread How to be notified once a web font has loaded (browser support).

document.fonts.ready.then(function () {

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