Having trouble transferring my background image from my FTP to my website

I'm having trouble setting a background image for the header on my website. It seems that nothing is loading. The hosting service I use has disabled linking images via external URLs, so I tried uploading the image to Filezilla, but that didn't work either.

I copied the image path from FTP and pasted it into my HTML file, but it still didn't work. I also attempted to use code from tutorials, but had no success. I can't seem to figure out if the issue lies with the code or the FTP settings.

Answer №1

Imagine creating a map within your FTP account, let's call this map Test for the time being. Within the map Test, you upload a file named index.html and also add an image. Now, within the Test map, you have two files - index.html and image.jpg.

To use this image in your index.html file, you simply write the code <img src="image.jpg"/>. This will display the uploaded image when accessed via the link: www.yourhosting/ftpname/Test/index.html


NOTE: It is essential to work online rather than on your local host. Based on your uploads using FileZilla, it seems like you are already following this practice.

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