Using AngularJS to Retrieve a Specific DOM Element Using its Unique Identifier


Please take a look at this Plunkr example.


I am looking for a way to retrieve an element by its id.

The provided code should be capable of applying a CSS class to any existing DOM element within the current view.

This functionality needs to be performed using a source object from the $scope in a controller. The source object might have more properties than there are input elements in view.

Hence, I aim to iterate through each object key and verify if a corresponding DOM element exists, then validate its value.

The Query

How can I retrieve an element by id using AngularJS exclusively (jQuery is not permitted)?

Specifically for the Plunkr demonstration, it is vital that this function operates correctly:

self.IsFieldCurrentlyActive = function(field){
  // Pseudocode desired:
  // var inputElement = angular.find(field);
  // return (inputElement != 'undefined');

  // Placeholder code
  var idx = field.indexOf('Unused');
  return idx == -1;

And also this one (essentially identical):

self.GetElementByKey = function(key)
  // Pseudocode required:
  // var inputElement = angular.find(field);
  // return inputElement;

  // Sample implementation
  return null;


Regrettably, I overlooked an important constraint: I cannot employ any method assuming unique IDs because there could be multiple instances of the same form (with identical IDs). Therefore, adherence to the Angular scope is necessary.

Thank you!

Answer №1

To access an element using pure JavaScript, you can utilize the document.querySelector('#myID'); method.

Alternatively, within an Angular framework, you can achieve this by using angular.element:


Answer №2

Consider using

as an alternative

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