Tips for retrieving formatted text layout from the database

I recently encountered an issue when adding text to my MySQL database using a textarea. The format of the text, including newlines and spaces, was saved in the database but not displayed as such when viewed directly. When I retrieve this string from the database and load it into a textarea again, the original format is preserved. However, when attempting to display this string in a div element, it appears as one continuous line.

My query is: How can I display formatted text correctly in a div element?

Answer №1

Specify that the <div> element should have the same white-space behavior as the <textarea> and <pre> elements.

    white-space: pre;

Answer №3

Which programming language are you currently using to fetch data for your webpage? Is it PHP?

If so, you can use htmlentities($mystring) to convert line breaks into <br> tags.

Another option is to use:

your text

This will display the text in a format similar to plain source code.

Answer №4

There are two methods you can utilize to achieve this:

The first method involves utilizing the PHP function nl2br() to convert \n into < br > tags. The second method is to assign a class to your div and format it using CSS white-space

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