Using jQuery to reset the position of animated divs

I am currently working on a code that expands and centers a div when hovered upon using the following script:


    //animation on hover            

        $('#sliding_grid li').hover(function() {
        }, function() {

        $(".highlight").live("hover", function(){
            $(this).animate({"width": "454px", "height":"282px", "top: ":"94px", "left":"152px", "margin-top: ":"-94px", "margin-left":"-152px"}, 500);       


        $(".highlight").live("mouseout", function(){
            $(this).animate({"width": "148px", "height":"90px", "top: ":"0px", "left":"0px", "margin-top: ":"0", "margin-left":"0"}, 500, function(){



The issues I am facing are as follows:

1) I'm struggling with resetting the "top" and "left" css coordinates to their original values on mouseOut. You can view a demo of this here:

2) The z-index is not affecting the hovered grid elements as expected. More details can be found here:

Answer №1

If you want to store and retrieve original values on mouseout, consider using jQuery's .data method.

I've made a modification to your code that incorporates the use of .data and also updates the z-index to keep the active element on top all the time.

Check out the updated code here:

Answer №2

  1. Remember to save the values at the start of the animation using a variable, and then restore them when it's finished, as Martin recommended.

  2. Regarding z-Index: Create a variable named maxZIndex=0 and increment it every time an animation starts to set the object's zIndex property.

Answer №3

Have you considered using percentages instead of pixels?

One alternative solution could be storing the current values of width and height in variables, then restoring them on mouse out.

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