The parent element is not able to apply the CSS text-decoration in jQuery

Is there a way to retrieve a specific CSS property of an element, even if it is inherited from its parent?

The standard jQuery method .css() can help with this.

Consider the following HTML structure:

<div id="container"> some text<br>
        <span id="some">Our element</span>
   <br> some text

<div id="result">

Defined CSS styles:

#some {

#container {
    text-decoration: underline;
    color: rgb(0,255,0);
    font-size: 32px;

and jQuery script:

$(function() {
    var decor = $("#some").css('text-decoration');
    var weight = $("#some").css('font-weight');
    var color = $("#some").css('color');
    var size = $("#some").css('font-size');
    var result = "<br><b>our object's own property:</b>"
    result += "<br>font-weight:" + weight + "<br>";
    result += "<br><b>inherited properties:</b><br>";
    result += "color: " + color + "<br>font-size: " + size + "<br>text-decoration: " + decor;


All CSS properties are displayed except for text-decoration. Want to know why?

Answer №1

The css-specification states that text-decoration is defined with Inherited:no, while the other properties in your example are defined with Inherited:yes.

For further information, refer to:

Overall, everything is functioning perfectly fine :)

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