Ways to ensure that an element is aligned within a parent div with a 100% bottom position

I am facing a small issue that I need help with.

My problem is aligning an element to the top of a percent div with bottom: 100%, and I just can't seem to make it work within the parent div.

Essentially, I want bottom: 0% to align with the bottom of the div, and bottom: 100% to align with the top.

Any suggestions on how to achieve this?



In the provided example, my goal is to align the gray bar to the top using 'bottom' 100%

Answer №1

I am having trouble understanding your suggestion of using bottom: 100%. Perhaps you meant to use bottom: 0; instead?

You can view the revised example at this link.

=== UPDATE ===

Thank you for your feedback, I believe I now understand what you are trying to achieve. The issue with setting bottom: 100% for the 'slider handle' is that it places it completely outside the parent div.

To resolve this, create a wrapper around the parent div with a height equal to the parent's height minus the slider handle's height, and add padding with the same height as the slider handle. Adjust the parent div's height to be 100%, and move properties like width, background-color, and margin-top to the wrapper as well.

Check out the updated examples for both bottom: 0% and bottom: 100% here: updated example and updated example.

Answer №2

This content appears to be dynamically generated, as using top: 0 would suffice otherwise.

If this is indeed the scenario, it is likely that you have something similar to:

child.style.bottom = y+"%";

In such a situation, you can easily include:

child.style.marginTop = (child.offsetHeight/100*y)+"px";

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