Spin: twist beyond 360 degrees or less than 0 degrees

Attempting to rotate an arrow indicating wind direction using the transform: rotate() property.

The data for rotation is retrieved from an API fetch, and conventional measurement of wind direction involves indicating where the wind is coming from. Therefore, the arrow must point in the opposite direction to accurately display the wind flow.

style={{transform: `rotate(${weatherData.parameters.wd.values}deg)`}}

I have experimented with adding "+180" to the value, but this approach proves ineffective when the angle exceeds 360 degrees.

Any alternative suggestions?

Answer №1

Greetings, welcome to Stack Overflow! One solution that comes to mind is using the "flip/mirror" transform function in CSS, which essentially performs a reverse scale.

transform: scale(-1, -1)

By applying this code, anything within the specified division will be flipped both horizontally and vertically. For instance, if you have an arrow pointing at 90°, it will flip horizontally with no change and vertically to point at -90°.

To implement this functionality in your code, consider the following snippet:

style={{transform: `rotate(${weatherData.parameters.wd.values}deg) scale(-1, -1)`}}

It's important to note that adjustments may be necessary in the CSS styling to ensure the desired outcome, particularly if the scaling affects the visual appearance. However, if your arrow is symmetrical, everything should work as intended. Feel free to reach out if you require further assistance!

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