"Utilize the hover functionality in React JS to track the mouse movement

I'm currently facing an issue with a design that involves a 6-column grid and text placed in front of it. The requirement is that when I hover over the text, the background of the corresponding grid column should change to an image. While this functionality works well, I am struggling with hovering behind the text, which seems impossible. Is there any solution available for this? Thank you!

const [disappear, setDisappear] = useState([20]);
  return (
      <div className="relative h-[480px]">
          className="absolute top-32 uppercase bg-transparent text-gray-10 text-[9.028vw] leading-[0.9] tracking-[-0.06em]"
          style={{ zIndex: 1000, mixBlendMode: "difference" }}
          welcome <br />
          to the LAB.
        <div className="w-full h-full absolute left-0 top-0 grid grid-cols-6">
          {array.map((element, index) => (
              className="bg-black relative"
              onMouseEnter={() => setDisappear((prev) => [...prev, index])}
              {disappear.some((el) => el === index) && (
                <Image src={element} alt="background" layout="fill" />

Currently utilizing next js for this project, thank you.

Answer №1

Not entirely sure I understand your question, but it appears you are working with tailwindcss.

You might want to explore the group feature in the tailwind documentation for more insights.

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