Display an image when the iframe viewport is reduced in size by utilizing media queries

I am looking to showcase a demo.html page within a 400px square iframe. When the viewport is smaller than 400px, I want demo.html to only display an image. Then, when clicking on that image in demo.html, the same page should switch to fullscreen mode.

Similar to embedding a slide from slideshare.com and clicking the fullscreen icon for full view, I aim for my page to function in a similar manner.

Answer №1

If you want to implement a media query in your website, you can follow this example demonstrated in this JS Fiddle.

Try resizing the fiddle window to see how the media query responds.

Here's the HTML structure:

  <img src="" id="smallScreenImage" width="500" height="500" />

  <div id="mainContentWrap">
    <div>All content goes here that should be displayed above 500px</div>


And here's the CSS code:

#smallScreenImage {display: none;}
#mainContentWrap {display: block;}

@media only screen and (max-width:500px){
    #smallScreenImage {display: block;}
    #mainContentWrap {display: none;}

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