What is the best way to continuously loop the animation in my SVG scene?

After designing a SVG landscape with an animation triggered by clicking the sun, I encountered an issue where the animation only works once. Subsequent clicks do not result in any animation.

Below is my current JavaScript code:

const sun = document.getElementById("sun");
const stage = document.getElementById("stage");

sun.addEventListener("click", function() {
  sun.style.animationPlayState = "running";
  stage.style.animationPlayState = "running";

sun.addEventListener("animationend", function() {
  // Reset sun to initial position
  sun.setAttribute("cx", "700");
  sun.setAttribute("cy", "100");
  // Pause animations for both sun and stage

  sun.style.animationPlayState = "paused";
  stage.style.animationPlayState = "paused";

Answer №1

If you're interested, there's an informative article on this topic that you can check out at Restart CSS Animations. Essentially, the issue stems from CSS lacking the ability to restart an animation once it has finished playing.

In addition to the solutions mentioned in the aforementioned article, I came across a method that effectively resets the animation. This means that when you click on the sun again, the animation will restart.

const sun = document.getElementById("sun");
const stage = document.getElementById("stage");

sun.addEventListener("click", function() {

  sun.style.animationPlayState = "running";
  stage.style.animationPlayState = "running";

sun.addEventListener("animationend", function() {
  // Reset sun position to its initial values
  sun.setAttribute("cx", "700");
  sun.setAttribute("cy", "100");
  // Set animation state to paused for both sun and stage
@keyframes move-left {
  0% {
    left: 0;
  100% {
    transform: translateX(100px);

.animation {
  animation: move-left 1s ease-in backwards;
  animation-play-state: paused;

#sun {
  position: absolute;
  width: 40px;
  background: red;
<div id="sun">.</div>
<div id="stage"></div>

By applying a class onclick and removing it on animationend, the animation will reset successfully no matter how many times you trigger it by clicking on the element.

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