What is the method to remove an element from visual transitions?

I have an Angular App version 17.3 and I recently enabled view transitions using the withViewTransitions() function.

However, I am now facing a challenge in excluding a specific element from the default (root) view transitions. Is there a way to achieve this?


I have already attempted setting the view-transition-name style property of the element to none, disabled animations with animation: none;, and set mix-blend-mode: normal;. Despite these efforts, the element is still being animated.

Edit: I am currently using Google Chrome, so I believe the feature should be available.

Edit2: As a workaround, I found that I can disable view transitions for an element by setting the view-transition-name to disabled and adding the following CSS:

::view-transition-new(disabled) {
    animation-duration: 0s !important;

Answer №1

The solution presented in the question appears to be a viable workaround for addressing the issue at hand.

To prevent view transitions for a specific element, you can achieve this by specifying the view-transition-name as disabled and including the following CSS:

::view-transition-new(disabled) {
    animation-duration: 0s !important;

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