Is there a way to create rectangles with a designated percentage of blue color using CSS or Bootstrap 3?

There's an image on my laptop that perfectly illustrates what I mean, but unfortunately, I'm not sure how to share it with you. In essence, I am looking to create a rectangle filled with a specific percentage of the color blue. Could you assist me with this task, please?

Answer №1

If you've already set a value for your blue color and can create a rectangle using CSS, adjusting the lightness, saturation, and opacity percentages is possible with the

hsla(color, saturation, lightness, opacity)

To achieve the desired "percentages," focus on changing the saturation percentage. For instance, to get a fully saturated blue at 240 degrees, use hsla(240, 100%, 50%, 1). For 50% blue, try hsla(240, 50%, 50%, 1), and for 25% blue, experiment with hsla(240, 25%, 50%, 1), and so forth.

To grasp the concept of hsla and determine what you mean by the "percentage" of blue, visit this hsla color picker tool:

After understanding how hsla functions, apply the chosen variable to adjust your rectangle accordingly.

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