Do not apply styling to a particular page in CSS and HTML

Utilize the platform and take advantage of their code Snippets feature (refer to attached photo #1) I inserted the following code:

div {
  direction: rtl;

To modify the website's direction to be right-to-left (RTL), I applied this code. However, it affected all pages on the website, even though I only want specific pages to reflect this change. Is there a way to exclude certain pages from being impacted by this code?

I am able to edit the website either through code Snippets or this file (see attached photo #2) which is the file for the page that I need to exempt.

Answer №1

Your current CSS selector is affecting every div on the page. To specify right-to-left content, you can use a CSS class:

.rtl {
  direction: rtl;
<div class="rtl">كيف حالكم</div>

<div>how are you</div>

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