hover causing the table cell to act erratically

My table consists of three cells with widths of 30%, 40%, and 30% respectively. The table itself occupies 25% of its container, which can range from 1024px to 400px.

The first cell contains a button labeled GALLERY. Upon hovering over the cell, the text changes to "<" using jQuery.

The issue arises when the table is compressed (container smaller than 600px) and I hover over the GALLERY button. The width of the cell changes due to the text being replaced by "<", causing the mouseover area to shift and the cell to flicker between hover states.

The cell's width is fixed, there are no padding or margins, and overflow:hidden is applied.

Any suggestions on how to resolve this? The same problem occurs with the third cell as well.

This issue only seems to occur in Firefox.


  • Normal:
  • Hover:



    function() {
    function() {


<table id="toolbar" style="display:none;">
        <td class="back" onclick="<?php 
          if ($gallery_id == "2") echo "goToGallery(1);";
          else echo "goToIndex();";


#toolbar td {

#toolbar td.back {

#toolbar td.back:hover {

Answer №1

The reason for this inconsistency is due to the lack of a fixed width for the table, causing the td (and table) to resize when you alter the cell contents to "<". Essentially, your td is always 30% the width of the table, which fluctuates based on its content. Initially, it may be 30% of a 100px wide table, but then become 30% of a 40px wide table (hypothetical values). This constant change in width causes your content to shift back and forth. To resolve this issue, establish a fixed width for either the table or the td. Alternatively, placing a fixed width div inside the td can allow the cell to expand or contract without affecting the content layout.

Answer №2

My opinion aligns with bbird's perspective on the situation. To address this issue, I recommend incorporating the following CSS attribute into the table:

table-layout: fixed;

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