What is the complete list of features that ColorTranslator.FromHtml() supports and what are the reasons behind its departure from traditional CSS color interpretation guidelines

I'm looking to enhance an API by providing users with the ability to specify the color of something. I want it to accept various representations of colors, such as hex codes and CSS colors. Initially, I thought that ColorTranslator.FromHtml() would fulfill this requirement, but upon testing, I have some doubts.

Upon reading the MSDN documentation, it seems like ColorTranslator.FromHtml() should support CSS color specifications. However, it doesn't handle all syntaxes provided by CSS. For example, trying to convert "rgb(255,255,255)" will result in an exception:

// "rgb(255 is not a valid value for Int32"
Color c = ColorTranslator.FromHtml("rgb(255,255,255)");

The method interprets 8-digit hex codes as AARRGGBB instead of RRGGBBAA:

Color c = ColorTranslator.FromHtml("#aabbccdd");
// 187, 204, 221, 170
Console.WriteLine($"{c.R}, {c.G}, {c.B}, {c.A}");

Similarly, a 4-digit hex code is read as RRGG (without blue) rather than RGBA:

Color c = ColorTranslator.FromHtml("#abcd");
// 0, 171, 205, 0
Console.WriteLine($"{c.R}, {c.G}, {c.B}, {c.A}");

Why do these discrepancies exist? What exactly does the method support? Could it be that the method is outdated and based on older CSS versions, causing conflicts with recent standards?

Answer №1

I don't have the exact reason why, but I can provide information on what is supported.

If you take a look at the Source, you will see how colors are handled:

  • #771122 is processed as #RRGGBB
  • #712 is processed as #RGB
  • LightGrey is converted to LightGray
  • System color names like highlighttext are translated into specific colors.
  • Any other color name is simply generated using Color.FromName (I believe)

This information dates back to a time when many of the features you mentioned were not even part of the specification, I believe.

Answer №2

For future reference, here is a manual method for parsing HTML/CSS colors to Color (nullable color) in C#. This code snippet covers the standard cases for web styling.

    ''' <summary>
    ''' Named groups "r", "g", "b".
    ''' </summary>
    Private Shared Regex_Html_RRGGBB As New Regex("^#(?<r>[0-9a-f][0-9a-f])(?<g>[0-9a-f][0-9a-f])(?<b>[0-9a-f][0-9a-f])$", RegexOptions.ExplicitCapture Or RegexOptions.IgnoreCase Or RegexOptions.Compiled)

    ''' <summary>
    ''' Named groups "r", "g", "b".
    ''' </summary>
    Private Shared Regex_Html_RGB As New Regex("^#(?<r>[0-9a-f])(?<g>[0-9a-f])(?<b>[0-9a-f])$", RegexOptions.ExplicitCapture Or RegexOptions.IgnoreCase Or RegexOptions.Compiled)

    ''' <summary>
    ''' Named groups "r", "g", "b".
    ''' </summary>
    Private Shared Regex_Html_RGB_funct As New Regex("^rgb\((?<r>[0-255]{1,3})[\t ]*,[\t ]*(?<g>[0-255]{1,3})[\t ]*,[\t ]*(?<b>[0-255]{1,3})\)$", RegexOptions.ExplicitCapture Or RegexOptions.IgnoreCase Or RegexOptions.Compiled)

    ''' <summary>
    ''' Named groups "r", "g", "b", "a" where A is only 0-1 range decimal.
    ''' </summary>
    Private Shared Regex_Html_RGBA_funct As New Regex("^rgba\((?<r>[0-255]{1,3})[\t ]*,[\t ]*(?<g>[0-255]{1,3})[\t ]*,[\t ]*(?<b>[0-255]{1,3}),[\t ]*(?<a>[0-1][\.]{0,1}[0-9]{0,9})\)$", RegexOptions.ExplicitCapture Or RegexOptions.IgnoreCase Or RegexOptions.Compiled)

    ''' <summary>
    ''' Reverse convertion from css format color to drawing color.
    ''' Supported formats #RRGGBB, #RGB, rgb(i,i,i), rgba(i,i,i,d), Named Colors.
    ''' Returns Nothing on failure.
    ''' </summary>
    ''' <param name="value"></param>
    Public Shared Function FromHtmlColor(value As String) As Color?
        If value.IsNullOrWhitespace Then
            Return Nothing
        Else ' must parse
            ' color translator doesn't account for transparancy.
            ' must check manually first.
            Dim m As Match
            m = Regex_Html_RGBA_funct.Match(value)
            If m.Success Then
                Dim r As Integer = ToRange(0, ToInt(m.Groups("r").Value), 255)
                Dim g As Integer = ToRange(0, ToInt(m.Groups("g").Value), 255)
                Dim b As Integer = ToRange(0, ToInt(m.Groups("b").Value), 255)
                Dim a As Integer = ToRange(0, ToInt(255 * ToDbl(m.Groups("a").Value)), 255) ' convert 0-1 to 0-255.
                Return Color.FromArgb(a, r, g, b)
            End If
            m = Regex_Html_RRGGBB.Match(value)
            If m.Success Then
                Dim r As Integer = Convert.ToInt32(m.Groups("r").Value, 16)
                Dim g As Integer = Convert.ToInt32(m.Groups("g").Value, 16)
                Dim b As Integer = Convert.ToInt32(m.Groups("b").Value, 16)
                Return Color.FromArgb(r, g, b)
            End If
            m = Regex_Html_RGB_funct.Match(value)
            If m.Success Then
                Dim r As Integer = ToRange(0, ToInt(m.Groups("r").Value), 255)
                Dim g As Integer = ToRange(0, ToInt(m.Groups("g").Value), 255)
                Dim b As Integer = ToRange(0, ToInt(m.Groups("b").Value), 255)
                Return Color.FromArgb(r, g, b)
            End If
            m = Regex_Html_RGB.Match(value) ' #rgb that needs values doubled before conversion.
            If m.Success Then
                Dim r As Integer = Convert.ToInt32(m.Groups("r").Value & m.Groups("r").Value, 16) ' double up each character for "#rgb"
                Dim g As Integer = Convert.ToInt32(m.Groups("g").Value & m.Groups("g").Value, 16)
                Dim b As Integer = Convert.ToInt32(m.Groups("b").Value & m.Groups("b").Value, 16)
                Return Color.FromArgb(r, g, b)
            End If
            Try ' color translator as final fallback (this supports very little surprisingly
                Return Drawing.ColorTranslator.FromHtml(value)
            Catch ex As Exception
                ' ignore.
            End Try
            Return Nothing
        End If
    End Function

Answer №3

It's interesting to note that the method is named FromHtml() instead of FromCss(), which could explain why it may not adhere strictly to CSS standards. This method seems to focus on supporting HTML colors specifically, rather than trying to incorporate CSS properties.

For those who may not be familiar with HTML and CSS, these two languages have their own distinct ways of defining color values. While they both use predefined color names and hex notation, there are differences in the way they handle certain aspects of color representation. In this case, interpreting 6-digit hex codes as RGB colors alone doesn't necessarily mean full compatibility with CSS.

For example, HTML does not utilize the rgb() functional notation like CSS does, nor does it recognize 8- or 4-digit hex codes in the same way. These discrepancies highlight the unique features and limitations of each language when it comes to handling color data.

In contrast, CSS has adapted to newer standards such as css-color-4, which do support 8- and 4-digit hex codes. While some browsers may implement advanced features ahead of standardization (as seen with WebKit and IE5), it's unlikely that this particular method follows the same path towards future standards adoption.

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