Arrange fixed-position elements so that they adhere to the boundaries of their adjacent siblings

Is there a way to keep two fixed elements aligned with their sibling element on window resize?

<div class="left-img"> IMAGE HERE </div>  <!-- fixed positioned -->
<div class="container"> Lorem ipsum... </div>
<div class="right-img"> IMAGE HERE </div> <!-- fixed positioned -->

Check out this example. Currently, I have set:

top: 50%;

To vertically center them. However, when the window is resized horizontally, the fixed elements should remain aligned with their sibling, the container. How can I achieve this using jQuery or CSS?

I was thinking of something like this

$(window).resize(function() {
  $('img').css("right", /*size here*/);


But I'm unsure about determining the window size. Since I am using Bootstrap and all my content is within the container, I want to position an image in the middle on each side while keeping it outside the container.

Answer №1

To achieve this, you can set a specific width for the left and right absolutely positioned elements and use appropriate values for the left/right properties.

Check out the example here.

    position: fixed;
    background: blue;
    top: 50%;   /*    <------ 15% ----->   */
    width: 12%; /* =  ((100% - 70%) / 2) - 3%
                         |      |     |    |
    width of the body  ---      |     |    --- needed gap for left/right (*)
    width of the container  -----     ----- get remaining width for each side */

.left-img { left: 3%; } /* (*) The gap between edges of the page and elements */
.right-img{ right: 3%; }

If you want to have different widths for the elements, you can utilize the CSS3 calc() function to calculate the necessary values for the left and right properties based on the width of each fixed positioned element.

See an example with different widths here

.left-img {
    width: 150px;
    left: calc(15% - 150px);

    width: 100px;
    right: calc(15% - 100px);

It's important to mention that calc() is compatible with IE9+.

Here is the previous answer, which may have been misinterpreted

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