What is the best way for me to incorporate images retrieved from an API call into my

Hey everyone, this is my first time posting on here so if there's anything I'm missing, please let me know! I've run into an issue with the images on my categories page not aligning properly and being different sizes after I incorporated some javascript and API calls. It's causing the layout to look off, especially on mobile devices. Does anyone have any suggestions on how to make all the images the same size? Just a rookie looking for some guidance here.

You can check out my page at:

I've tried adjusting it with CSS but it doesn't seem to be responding well when I make changes. Specifically, in the mobile view of the categories page, the images are too large. However, when I try to adjust them using media queries, it also impacts the desktop version. I suspect it has something to do with the changes I made while experimenting with javascript. Also, I'm having trouble changing the name "test" to something else without affecting the entire layout...

Answer №1

The important aspect is the output, not how the images are retrieved through an API; we can manipulate the appearance using CSS.

Due to the film titles being in the same container, they push the images down, necessitating a specific height for them.

Since the image ratios vary, utilizing object-fit: cover can crop the images at the largest size within the height of the smallest image.

For mobile devices, adjusting the overflow property to visible and removing unnecessary padding from the .container-child will maintain a clean layout.

The following code snippet illustrates this concept:

.container-child p {
   height: 50px;
   text-align: center;
   display: block;
/* Responsive styling */
@media (max-width:1624px){
    .container-child img {
      object-fit: cover;
      max-width: 500px;
      max-height: 709px; /* Smallest image's dimensions */
      width: 100%;
      height: 100%;
@media (max-width: 768px) {
.container-child {
    padding-top: 0em; 
    display: inline-block;
    text-align: center;
   #test {
    margin-top: 130px;
    display: inline-block;
    text-align: center
   html, body {
    overflow: visible;
    background: #000;

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