What is the best way to ensure a footer always remains at the bottom of the page with Telerik controls?

I'm currently working on an asp.net MVC project that utilizes the latest version of Telerik controls. The layout consists of a shared view with a header at the top, a left-side menu, and a footer at the bottom. In the main section, I use a @RenderBody tag to display the core content of the page, which includes various Telerik controls such as grids, reports, drop-down boxes, and text boxes. However, I'm encountering issues with keeping the footer positioned correctly when using views with grids and reports. Depending on the size of the grid or report, the footer either appears directly below it (if small) or gets pushed off the screen entirely.

So, my question is: How can I ensure that the footer remains at the bottom of the page while incorporating Telerik grids and reports into my views?

To provide some context, here's an example of the desired layout:

And here are examples of the current layout issues: Footer being pushed off the screen by a Telerik grid. Footer appearing below the Telerik grid but not at the bottom of the page. Telerik report overlapping the footer. Telerik report covering up the footer.

Here is the code snippet for the shared view:

@using App_Code
// HTML code goes here...

And here's an excerpt from one of the specific views in the project:

@using MyProject.App_Code
@model MyProject.Models.ModelCustomerDashboard

// Razor code for the customer dashboard view...

Answer №1

In Telerik reports, the page footer is set to stay at the bottom by default while the report footer does not. Despite searching for a satisfactory solution, I have not yet found a perfect answer to this issue. As a workaround, I implemented conditions based on the page count to display content only on the last pages in the page footer.

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