Adjust the color of the text based on a conditional in react

I am looking for a way to select elements and change text color in my unordered list based on specific conditions. Below is an example of the structure I have:

<div style={styles.passwordRules}>
  <ul style={styles.listOne}>
    <li style={}><span style={styles.error} id="test">8 to 16 characters</span></li>
    <li style={}><span style={styles.fontNormal}>Uppercase character</span></li>
  <ul style={styles.listTwo}>
    <li style={}><span style={styles.fontNormal}>A number</span></li>
    <li style={}><span style={styles.fontNormal}>Lowercase character</span></li>
  <ul style={styles.listThree}>
    <li style={}><span style={styles.fontLink}>No personal information</span></li>

I would like to apply different text colors based on conditions, similar to the following example:

if(text === 'foo') {
//change color to gray

Please keep in mind that I am unable to use getElementById

Answer №1

Have you considered implementing it in the following way?

<li className={text === 'foo' ? styles.class1 : styles.class2 } .../>

Answer №2

Expanding on Carl Edwards's response, if your main goal is to modify the color, you can achieve that with the following code snippet:

<li style={{color: text === "foo" ? "trueColor" : "falseColor"}} ... />

Answer №3

One way to achieve this is by implementing the following:

<li style={text === 'bar' ? _.extend(, styles.styleBar) : }>

Alternatively, if you're working with ES6:

<li style={text === 'barr' ? Object.assign({},, styles.styleBar) : }>

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