Is there a way to adjust the size of text to perfectly fit within a fixed size div?

I find this scenario quite common, but I haven't come across any solutions for it:

Let's say there is a fixed-width div that displays dynamically changing numbers. How can we adjust the font size so that larger numbers fit well within the fixed width? Is there a CSS property available for this task, or is JavaScript coding the only option?

Answer №1

If you're looking to automatically adjust font sizes in a fixed container using CSS alone, unfortunately, there isn't a property for that. You'll need to use JavaScript instead.

One method is to wrap each number in a span element and then iterate over each span to check its width. If the width exceeds the fixed width, decrease the font size and check again. Repeat this process until the span's width is smaller than the fixed width.

To avoid any flickering effects, it's advisable to carry out this loop while keeping the fixed div visible, but positioned off-screen (e.g., "position: absolute; left: -5000px;").

Answer №2

While Css may not be the solution, you could try experimenting with these scripts:

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