Exploring the `zoom` CSS attribute and adjusting font sizes on Safari

While my website is somewhat responsive on desktop, the display on iPad or tablet-sized devices leaves much to be desired. Despite having an acceptable layout, everything appears too large, making navigation difficult. It's worth noting that my website is a web app with pages that do not require scrolling, as all content fits within the viewport.

I am interested in zooming out the page on smaller devices, as a 75% zoom level looks visually appealing.

Test 1

In an attempt to address this issue, I experimented with setting a zoom CSS property on the :root element:

:root {
    zoom: .8;

While this solution worked well on chromium browsers, Safari presented an issue where the font-size did not decrease accordingly. Firefox does not support this method (which is not critical for me if there are alternative solutions).

If anyone knows of a way to improve zoom functionality on Safari, or has a completely different approach to zooming out a webpage, your insights would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you.

Answer №1

If you're struggling with text sizes, a great solution is to switch to using relative units instead of fixed sizes. For example, instead of setting the font size to 25px, you could use 25vw, which adjusts the size based on the width of the viewport. However, this method may lead to issues where the font appears too small or too large on different screen sizes. To address this, it's recommended to utilize media queries that are tailored to specific screen sizes.

For instance:

@media screen and (max-width: 480px) {
  body {
    background-color: lightgreen;

This code snippet changes the background color to lightgreen when the screen width is less than 480px. By incorporating media queries into your CSS, you can optimize styles for various screen sizes.

For more information on media queries, check out this guide: https://www.w3schools.com/css/css3_mediaqueries.asp and learn about CSS units here: https://www.w3schools.com/cssref/css_units.php

I hope this explanation proves helpful to you.

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