Utilizing D3.js: Applying Multiple Classes with Functions

My current project involves using D3.js and I've encountered a particular challenge that has me stumped.

In the CSV file I'm working with, there are columns labeled "Set" and "Year". My goal is to extract values from these columns and use them as class names. Here's what I've got so far...

var circle = svg.selectAll("circle")
            .attr("class", function(d) {
                if (d["Set"] == 1)
                    return "set-1";
                if (d["Set"] == 2)
                    return "set-2";

This method works well in assigning appropriate class names to the data points. However, when attempting to incorporate the "Year" column into the mix, the class names based on "Set" get overwritten by those of "Year".

var circle = svg.selectAll("circle")
            .attr("class", function(d) {
                if (d["Set"] == 1)
                    return "set-1";
                if (d["Set"] == 2)
                    return "set-2";
            .attr("class", function(d) {
                if (d["Year"] == 2012)
                    return "2012";
                if (d["Year"] == 2013)
                    return "2013;

I am seeking guidance on how to modify this code so that it appends additional class names instead of replacing existing ones.

If anyone can provide some assistance, I would greatly appreciate it.

Answer №1

An alternative method that can come in handy is to manipulate classes on an element by using

selection.classed('class-name', true)
selection.classed('class-name', false)

var circle = svg.selectAll("circle")
    .classed('2012', function(d) { return d['Year'] === 2012; })
    .classed('2013', function(d) { return d['Year'] === 2013; })
    .classed('set-1', function(d) { return d['Set'] === 1; })
    .classed('set-2', function(d) { return d['Set'] === 2; });

This approach appeals to me as it allows for easy removal of classes from an element using the same syntax.

Answer №2


It appears that this method is no longer recommended for D3.js versions 5 and above.

Revised solution

An alternative approach is to use a hash as the argument for the classed function:

var circle = svg.selectAll("circle")
    '2012': function(d) { return d['Year'] === 2012; },
    '2013': function(d) { return d['Year'] === 2013; },
    'set-1': function(d) { return d['Set'] === 1; },
    'set-2': function(d) { return d['Set'] === 2; }

Answer №3

All you're looking for is a single function that can handle both tasks, right? Perhaps something like this...

let circles = svg.selectAll("circle")
        .attr("class", function(d) {
            let className = "";
            if (d["Set"] === 1)
                className = "set-1";
            if (d["Set"] === 2)
                className = "set-2";
            if (d["Year"] === 2012)
                className += " 2012";
            if (d["Year"] === 2013)
                className += " 2013;
            return className;

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