Utilizing "Content" for Responsive Image Design in Chrome Version 33.0.1750.117

I previously implemented a method for responsive images on my website, which was working fine until the latest Chrome update. Surprisingly, it still functions properly on other browsers.

    //< ![CDATA[            
        var queries = [
            {context: 'global',
                callback: function() {
                    $('img').each(function(index) {
                        var small = $(this).attr('src');
            {context: 'sizeSmll',
                callback: function() {
                    $('img').each(function(index) {
                        var smll = $(this).data('smll');
                        $(this).attr('src', smll);
            //more size callbacks...

Here is the corresponding CSS:

    body:after {
        content: 'global';
        display: none;

    @media only screen and (max-width: 480px) {
        body:after {
            content: 'sizeSmll';

More media queries are set up using the same approach.

The HTML image code looks like this:

    <img class="responsiveImg" src="urlImage0.png" 

Additionally, I am utilizing an onmediaquery.min.js file with the following source:

var MQ = function(b) {
    b = b || {};
    //... full JavaScript code here ...
    return b;
}(MQ || {});

This concept was inspired by:

If anyone has insights into the recent changes in Chrome that might be affecting this setup, please share. Thank you in advance!

Answer №1

Instead of utilizing "display:none", consider implementing "opacity:0". It appears that the latest Chrome update has affected the ability to access the 'content' property when setting the display property to none.

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