Adjust the position of the icon in the Mui DatePicker widget

How can I customize the mui DatePicker? I successfully changed the icon, but now I need to adjust its position as well. Instead of being at the end of the text, I want the icon to be at the beginning. Here is my code:

 <ThemeProvider theme={calendarTheme}>
            classes: { notchedOutline: classes.noBorder },
            OpenPickerIcon: Table,
            SwitchViewIcon: ArrowDown,
          renderInput={(params: any) => (
                color: "red",

Answer №1

To customize the appearance of the DatePicker, assign a class with the specified style:

const styles = {
  root: {
    "flex-direction": "row-reverse"

Next, include it in the DatePicker:

              classes: { root: classes.root }
            onInputChange={(e) => console.log("Keyboard:",}

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