Adjust the z-Index of the list item element

I am attempting to create an effect where, upon clicking an icon, its background (width and height) expands to 100% of the page. However, I am struggling with ensuring that the 'effect' goes underneath the this.element and above everything else. I have experimented with changing the position and zIndex properties, but it seems working with a list is a bit more complex.. Below is the code snippet along with a demo.


        <li style="z-index:1;">
            <img src=".png" style="width:100px; height:100px; background-color:#11D1AC;">
        <li style="z-index:1;">
            <img src=".png" style="width:100px; height:100px; background-color:#787FA7;">
        <li style="z-index:1;">
            <img src=".png" style="width:100px; height:100px; background-color:#FF7059;">


$('li').on('click', function () {
            var elementoPos = $(this).find('img').position();
            $(this).parent().css("zIndex", 3);
            var elementColor = $(this).find('img').css('backgroundColor');

            var square = document.createElement('div');
                "position": "absolute"
                , "zIndex": "2"
                , "width": "50"
                , "height": "50"
                , "left": elementoPos.left + 50 / 2
                , "top": + 50 / 2
                , "backgroundColor": elementColor

                "width": "100vw"
                , "height": "100vh"
                , "left": "0"
                , "top": "0"
            }, function () {
                    opacity: 0
                }, 1500);


Check out the demo:

Answer №1

The issue was caused by a dynamically created div.

To resolve this, consider using $(square).remove(); at the end of the animation.

$(document).on('click','li', function () {
            var elementoPos = $(this).find('img').position();
            $(this).parent().css("zIndex", 3);
            var elementColor = $(this).find('img').css('backgroundColor');

            var square = document.createElement('div');
                "position": "absolute"
                , "zIndex": "2"
                , "width": "50"
                , "height": "50"
                , "left": elementoPos.left + 50 / 2
                , "top": + 50 / 2
                , "backgroundColor": elementColor

                "width": "100vw"
                , "height": "100vh"
                , "left": "0"
                , "top": "0"
            }, function () {
                    opacity: 0
                }, 1500, function() { $(square).remove(); });



Answer №2

To make the adjustment you desire, simply switch from using

$(this).parent().css("zIndex", 3);
to employing this code instead:
$(this).css({"z-index": 3,"position":"relative"});
. I hope this meets your specifications.

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