Is there a way to apply CSS styles to a specific word within a div that corresponds to the word entered in the search box?

Using a searchbox, you can enter words to find pages with the searched-for word in the page description. If the word is found in the description, a link to the page along with the highlighted word will be displayed. However, I am encountering an issue where the entered word is not being highlighted in the description as intended.

var searchValue = $(".search-query").val(); // The value entered in the search box

$( ".searchResults-description:contains('" + searchValue + "')").css("background-color", "#fadcd9" ); 

I am seeking assistance to resolve this issue. After clicking the search button, the word remains in the search box. While I have been able to re-enter the word after reloading the page, I now need it to be properly highlighted within the description section whenever it appears.

Answer №1

When the page loads, ensure that you are retrieving the value from the search box correctly. The current code snippet shows that the variable searchValue is always empty on load, which may not be the desired behavior. To solve this issue, consider capturing the input value when it changes using a keyup function. Here's a suggestion to help you get started:

$(function() {

  $('.search-query').keyup(function() {
    var searchValue = $(".search-query").val();
    $( ".searchResults-description:contains('" + searchValue + "')").css("background-color", "#fadcd9" );

<script src=""></script>
<input class="search-query" />

<div class="searchResults-description">Lorem</div>
<div class="searchResults-description">Ipsum</div>

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