Is it possible to convert (HTML and CSS3 generated content for paged media) into a PDF format?

Would it be possible to convert a HTML document styled with CSS3 Generated Content for Paged Media into a PDF format?

If such an application does not exist, what alternatives can I consider as the foundation for developing a converter?

Thank you

Answer №1

If you're in need of a tool that can efficiently convert HTML/CSS3 to high-quality PDFs, one option worth considering is PrinceXML. It's worth noting that Google may have incorporated their code into GoogleDocs for PDF export.

Keep in mind that PrinceXML is a premium application with a significant price tag attached.

Håkon Lie, a key figure responsible for the technical advancements of the Opera web browser, is one of the minds behind PrinceXML.

To learn more about the technology powering PrinceXML, check out this Google Tech Talks video from 2 years ago featuring Lie:

Answer №2

wkhtmltopdf is known for its excellent handling of HTML to PDF conversion.

Discover more about wkhtmltopdf here

While exploring the internet, I came across various command line tools for converting HTML documents to PDF. However, many of them use their own rendering engines which often result in poor quality conversions. With the release of QT 4.4 featuring a WebKit widget (the same engine as Apple's Safari and KDE KHtml), creating a high-quality tool like wkhtmltopdf became much simpler.

Answer №3

DOMPDF is a fantastic PHP tool that lets you convert HTML to PDF files. While it may not fully support CSS3 generated content, the project continues to grow and improve. Join in on the action and contribute your skills! Its CSS 2.1 compatibility is solid, with some CSS3 properties being incorporated into the latest SVN version.

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