Uncovering the class value of an element using CSS

Is there a way for me to use CSS to access the numbers (1 and 2 in this example) at the end of the paragraph's class attribute?

<p class="cooking-step-1"><br>
    <!-- Second step ... --><br>

<p class="cooking-step-2"><br>
    <!-- Second step ... --><br>

I know I can select these paragraphs using: p[class^="cooking-step-"]
But how can I include the paragraph number before the text inside it using the CSS content property? Any suggestions on how to do this?

Answer №1

One way to achieve this is by utilizing counters. Although, it's worth noting that browser support for this feature may be inconsistent and there have been changes in the spec for CSS3.

It's possible to sidestep the need for the specific cooking-step-N class altogether. Instead, you could use a more general class like cooking-step, allowing the system to handle the numbering automatically. By incrementing with each instance of .cooking-step and employing its counter() property for the content, you can achieve the desired result.

Answer №2

When working with set steps and needing to number them, consider using an ordered list instead. The ol element organizes items in a specific order and automatically provides numbering without extra effort!

If you prefer using CSS, counters are the solution. In the parent element of these paragraphs, add the style counter-reset: step. Then, for your paragraph tags, include:

p:before {   
    counter-increment: step;   
    content: counter(step)". ";   

This method should function well in modern browsers. However, for simplicity and better compatibility across older browsers, sticking to an ordered list may be the way to go.

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