Looking to style a <p> element with CSS?

In the div class index, there are two additional divs without any class or id names, along with two <p> tags. My goal is to style these two <p> tags.

<div class="doubt">
    <p>Hello world</p>

I am looking for a way to apply different styles to the two p tags. How can this be achieved?

Your assistance with this matter would be greatly appreciated. Thank you in advance!

Answer №1

Just implement this simple CSS code:

If you need any further explanations, feel free to ask.

.doubt > div > div > p {
    color: green;
.doubt > div > p {
    color: red;
<div class="doubt">
            <p>Hello world</p>  

Answer №2

You have the option to utilize inline styling.

<div class="doubt">
        <p style="color: yellow">Greetings Earth</p>
          <p style="color: red">Hi</p>

In addition, you can implement a hierarchical structure in the styles to add formatting to these paragraphs.

        .doubt div p{
            color: red;
        .doubt div div p{
            color: green;
    <div class="doubt">
        <p>Greetings Earth</p>

I trust that this information proves helpful to you.

Answer №3

You can give different styles to two p tags by following this example:

.doubt div:nth-child(1) p{ color:blue;}
.doubt div:nth-child(2) p{ color:purple;}
<div class="doubt">

Answer №4

You can add your own touch with inline styling.

<div class="question">
        <p style="color: blue">Greetings from the world</p>  
            <p style="color: purple">Hi there!</p>

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