Internet Explorer's support for the `<summary>` tag in HTML

Is there a method to enable the summary tag in Internet Explorer 11, such as using an external library?

    <summary>Here is the summary.</summary>
    <p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet</p>

Appreciate your help.

Answer №1

If you want to use the details and summary elements in Internet Explorer, you'll have to do some extra work because IE doesn't support them by default.

You can check if details and summary are supported using feature detection like this:

if (typeof HTMLDetailsElement === "undefined") {
    // Not supported

If not supported, you can create and immediately remove these elements in order to style them:


After that, add some CSS styling for these elements:

// Basic styling example
var style = document.createElement("style");
style.textContent = 
    "details > :not(summary) {\n" +
    "    display: none;\n" +
    "}\n" +
    "details.showing > :not(summary) {\n" +
    "    display: block;\n" +

Additionally, since not all content within details defaults to display: block, you may need to customize the styling further. You can also consider adding visual cues like arrows for better consistency with other browsers.

It's important to place this code before the body element to prevent any unstyled content flashing on the page initially.

To handle user interactions, such as clicks and keypresses, for details elements, toggle a class based on the specific styling defined earlier:

// Rough event handling logic
document.addEventListener("click", detailsHandler);
document.addEventListener("keypress", detailsHandler);
function detailsHandler(e) {
    if (e.type === "keypress" && [13, 32].indexOf(e.which || e.keyCode) === -1) {
    var el =;
    while (el && el.tagName !== "DETAILS") {
        if (el.tagName === "BODY") {
            el = null;
        el = el.parentNode;
    if (el) {

This code snippet doesn't necessarily have to be placed before body, but it might make organizational sense to keep it together with the initial setup.

Finally, remember to include tabindex="0" attributes on both details and summary elements to ensure they are accessible via keyboard navigation in IE:

<details tabindex="0">
<summary tabindex="0">This is a summary.</summary>
<p>bla bla bla</p>

Check out the live example below for an illustration of how to implement this workaround in your code:

<!-- In the head element -->
(function() {
    if (typeof HTMLDetailsElement === "undefined") {
        // Detect non-support and enable
        document.addEventListener("click", detailsHandler);

        var style = document.createElement("style");
        style.textContent = 
            "details > :not(summary) {\n" +
            "    display: none;\n" +
            "}\n" +
            "details.showing > :not(summary) {\n" +
            "    display: block;\n" +
    function detailsHandler(e) {
        if (e.type === "keypress" && [13, 32].indexOf(e.which || 

e.keyCode) === -1) {
        var el =;
        while (el && el.tagName !== "DETAILS") {
            if (el.tagName === "BODY") {
                el = null;
            el = el.parentNode;
        if (el) {
<!-- End of in the head element -->

<!-- In body -->
<details tabindex="0">
<summary tabindex="0">This is a summary.</summary>
<p>bla bla bla</p>

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