What is the best way to style only textboxes with CSS without affecting other input types such as checkboxes?

If attribute selectors were universally supported by all browsers, we could effortlessly implement the following styling:

input[type='text'] { font:bold 0.8em 'courier new',courier,monospace; } 
input[type='radio'] { margin:0 20px; } 
input[type='checkbox'] { border:2px solid red;

However, it seems that not all versions of Internet Explorer from 6 and onwards support this feature.

I'm hesitant to use skins for my website. I can't quite pinpoint why, but I remember having a negative encounter with them in the past. It was probably due to my lack of understanding. Are there any drawbacks to using CSS, either internally or externally?

What would be the most effective approach to tackle this issue? Currently, I am assigning unique classes to each type of control.

Answer №1

It is indeed true that IE6 does not recognize the attribute selector feature. Another approach would be to manually assign specific classes to each checkbox. I must admit, however, that I am also unfamiliar with what you mean by "miccing skins".

If you're aiming for compatibility with IE6, one efficient method could be employing a Javascript framework such as jQuery to apply styles to the relevant elements. Using a selector like this:

$('input[type="checkbox"]').each( function() {
        'property': 'value'

You can then easily and uniformly style checkboxes based on their type across different browsers.


An error in the initial code has been corrected. Many thanks to Mr. Murdoch for his invaluable assistance, unlike a certain cup of coffee.

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