Restoring the background color to its original shade following alterations made by jQuery

In my table, I have multiple rows with alternating white and grey backgrounds achieved through CSS.

.profile tr:nth-child(odd)    { background:#eee; }
.profile tr:nth-child(even)    { background:none; }

However, I now want to allow users to select a row and have it highlighted in yellow using JQuery.

$(".Select").click(function() {
    //Deselect all other Rows
    $(".Select").show().prev().hide().parent().parent().css('background', 'none');

    //get Id
    var Row = $(this).parent().parent();
    var MatchId = Row.attr('id');
    Row.css('background', '#FFFFBA');

The issue arises when selecting all rows with the $(".select")....parent().parent().css('background....

Setting it to "none" turns all rows white and disrupts the alternating color scheme. Is there a way to restore the background property to its original state?

Answer №1

Introduce a new category:

.profile tr.hover    { background:#FFFFBA; }

instead of

 Row.css('background', '#FFFFBA');

you can opt for


and in place of

  $(".Select").s.//.parent().css('background', 'none');

you should go for


The // is simply used to abbreviate the lengthy line.

Answer №2

Don't stress over it, simply utilize the CSS selector for the TR in your .css stylesheet and incorporate the :hover markup to let the browser take care of it. It's best to delegate tasks to the underlying browser whenever possible.

However, based on your code, it seems like you might actually want to change the background of a different row than the one you're currently on. In that case, you will need to add some .data() to the target object and trigger a mouse out event to revert it back to its original state.

Answer №3

Display the element with the class "Select", hide the previous element, and change the background color of its parent's parent element to transparent.

Answer №4

Caspar's explanation is spot on for a number of reasons:

  1. By keeping your presentation in the CSS, you maintain separation of concerns.
  2. Browsers are optimized to apply CSS styles more efficiently than manipulating the style object with JavaScript.
  3. If you want to add additional styles to the highlighted item, there will be no performance impact thanks to reason 2.

However, if you prefer to stick with your current code, you can achieve the desired result by excluding odd rows from your jQuery selector using the $.not() method:

$(".Select").show().prev().hide().parent().parent().not(':nth-child(odd)').css('background', 'none');

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