Prevent unexpected page breaks in <tr> elements on Firefox (Could JavaScript be the solution?)

Wondering if there are any ways, possibly through JavaScript or CSS, to avoid having page breaks within <tr> elements specifically in Firefox. Given that FF does not yet fully support page-break-inside, I assume this might need to be addressed using JavaScript, but unsure of the best approach. Note that our users all utilize a uniform printer with predefined margin sizes.

Appreciate any insights!

Answer №1

One approach could be utilizing JavaScript to determine the height of individual cells and then triggering a page break when the total exceeds your estimated page size, using the "page-break-after:always" style attribute. Make sure to include some margin to prevent pages with only one row.

Alternatively, you could add an extra column to each row with an image element that contains a blank spacer image. Using JavaScript, set the height of each image to match the cell height (while keeping the width at 1px). Firefox tends to handle this setup well, preventing images from being split across pages.

Keep in mind that the cell height on-screen may vary from when it is printed, as the table might appear wider on the screen compared to a physical sheet of paper.

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