What is the best way to showcase several cards containing data retrieved in Vue?

I have a component called Beers and another component called BeerDetailList. In the second component, I'm using a Bootstrap card to display image, title, etc. My issue is that I want to display these cards in multiple rows and columns. I've tried a few different approaches but haven't been successful. Can someone please advise me on how to achieve this?


    <div v-bind:key="beer.id" v-for="beer in beers">
      <BeerDetailsList v-bind:beer="beer" />
import BeerDetailsList from "./BeerDetailsList";
export default {
  components: { BeerDetailsList },
  name: "Beers",
  props: ["beers"],
<style scoped></style>

Beer Details List

  <div class="container">
    <b-card-group deck>
        style="max-width: 20rem ;"
          {{ beer.tagline }}

        <b-button href="#" variant="primary">View Beer details</b-button>
export default {
  name: "BeerDetailsList",
  props: ["beer"],
<style scoped></style>

Answer №1

To ensure that each row contains at most 4 cards, place your for loop within the b-card-group component. Next, include another for loop within the b-card component to display 4 cards for each card group.

You do not require a second component. See example code below:

  <div class="container">
        <b-card-group deck v-for="i in Math.ceil(beers.length/4)" :key="i">
            v-for="beer in beers.slice((i-1)*4, (i-1)*4 +  4)"
            style="max-width: 20rem ;"
              {{ beer.tagline }}
            <b-button href="#" variant="primary">View Beer details</b-button>
export default {
  name: "Beers",
  props: ["beers"],
<style scoped></style>

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