Explore a variety of themes for the antd design token

Is there a way to access the text color of both the default and dark themes using design tokens?

I am looking for a method to seamlessly switch between the two color schemes based on specific conditions, without having to change the entire theme.

For instance:

if (condition) return currentThemeColorPrimaryText
else return oppositeThemeColorPrimaryText 

This means that the "current theme" color primary text should display the default color with the default theme and the dark color with the dark theme. Conversely, the "opposite theme" color primary text should show the dark color with the default theme and the default color with the dark theme.

Answer №1

If you want to customize themes in React, you can utilize the getDesignToken function. According to the documentation:

Similar to ConfigProvider, the getDesignToken function can also accept a config object as a theme.

You can achieve this by following this example:

import { ThemeConfig, theme } from "antd";
const { defaultAlgorithm, darkAlgorithm, getDesignToken } = theme;

const DarkToken = getDesignToken({
  algorithm: darkAlgorithm
const LightToken = getDesignToken({
  algorithm: defaultAlgorithm


  style={{color: DarkToken.colorText}}
  dark color

  style={{color: LightToken.colorText}}
  light color

To see a live demonstration of this implementation, check out this link.

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