Angular toolbar on the left side that hovers seamlessly

1 I am using Angular Material toolbar and trying to position a span inside the toolbar on the left side. I have attempted using CSS float left, but it is not working. Can anyone provide some assistance please?


        <span style="text-align: right;">  right </span>


Answer №1

If you have experience with Flex Layout, you can easily incorporate Flex Layout. Just use the following code:

<mat-toolbar fxLayoutAlign="start center" fxFlexFill>
<div class="branding">
    <div class="logo">Left</div>
<div fxFlex>
    <div fxLayout="row" fxLayoutGap="10px" fxLayoutAlign="end center"> Right</div>

Answer №2

Here is a snippet of code that should achieve your desired outcome:

  <div style="text-align: right; width:100%">
    <span style="float:left;">left</span>
    <span>right </span>

It seems that the text-align: right; property in your code is redundant since the content within the span elements adjusts accordingly.

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