Fixing W3 Validation Errors in your Genesis theme through CSS requires a few simple steps. Let's

As a newcomer to this forum, I kindly ask for understanding regarding my current issue.

Upon checking my website using the W3C CSS validator, I discovered several parsing and value errors. In an attempt to solve this, I disabled all plugins except one causing the css failure. The errors appear to originate from the html source code. I am seeking guidance on how to rectify this issue, possibly stemming from incorrect coding. However, I'm uncertain...

I aspire to quickly acquire troubleshooting skills in order to assist others in their queries.

Answer №1

My recommendation would be to run your code through the w3c validator to identify any errors. Once identified, proceed to correct each one individually. Remember to check all checkboxes in the validator tool and aim for clean and tidy source code for better results.

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