How can the 'Read more' feature be modified to impact multiple boxes? (Using jQuery, JS, and CSS)

I am trying to add a 'Read more' feature on my friend's website. I was able to achieve the desired effect, but when I tried to adjust the alignment of the box, it affected the 'Read more' feature.

Original design:

Adjusted design:

I want the 'Read more' button to only expand the specific box that I click on, similar to the first Codepen example, rather than expanding all boxes in the row like in the second Codepen.

Any suggestions on how to achieve this? Thank you in advance!

Everything is on codepen.

Answer №1

While your jQuery code is correct, the issue lies within your layout formatting, specifically with flexbox. The .row class has align-items: stretch, causing all items in the same row to expand when one item expands.

To resolve this issue, you can use the following snippet:

.row {
    display: flex;
    width: 100%;
    flex-direction: row;
    align-items: flex-start; /* Align items to top without stretching them */
    flex-wrap: wrap;

For more information on flexbox and the align-items property, you can refer to this resource.

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