Flick user media cards left or right to uncover the following one

I am currently working on creating a widget that will display user media objects in a horizontal layout using ng-repeat. The goal is to allow users to swipe left or right to reveal the next media card, similar to the image shown below.

In the example, you can see that part of the next media card's avatar is visible, indicating that there are additional cards available for swiping.

At this point, I have managed to create the basic structure for the widget as outlined in the code snippet below. However, I am facing some challenges and would appreciate any assistance or guidance to move forward with this implementation.

div class="media  people-card-media col-xs-12" ng-repeat="item in cats">
        <div class="media-left ">
            <div class="person-photo presence">
                <img  class="media-object list__photo img-circle" ng-src="{{item.photo}}" />

        <div class="media-body list__body">
            <div class="people_name_title">
                <h4 class="media-heading title">{{item.name}}</h4>

        <div class="media-right media-middle contacts-chat-call flex-it-align-top">
            <a  style="margin-right: 10px;">


You can also view the Plunker version of this implementation through the following link: http://plnkr.co/edit/YESgpGIXQrK9sYl79FVI?p=preview

Answer №1

Check out this plunkr for a functional implementation:


I included ngTouch and utilized ng-class in the HTML along with touch event handlers.

<div class="media people-card-media col-xs-12"
     ng-repeat="item in heroes"

In the MainController, it cycles through active items by assigning a current class to one, and next-up and previous classes to neighboring items.

$scope.gonext = function () {
  for (var i=0, len=$scope.heroes.length; i<len; i++) {
    if ($scope.heroes[i].displayClass == 'current') {
      $scope.heroes[i].displayClass = 'previous';
      if (i<len-1) $scope.heroes[i+1].displayClass = 'current';
      if (i<len-2) $scope.heroes[i+2].displayClass = 'next-up';

Just needs some adjustments for handling boundaries more effectively.

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