Div that scrolls independently without affecting the position of other elements

Visit this link for reference

<div class="col-10 content" id="content">


Hello there! I recently created a Div with a collection of news items. My goal is to have the Div scroll while keeping the header and left menu fixed in their positions. Currently, the Div only scrolls when the mouse pointer is inside it, but I want it to scroll continuously regardless of cursor position and have the scrollbar hidden. I've tried various approaches without success. Any suggestions on achieving this without fixing all other elements?

Thank you, Markus

Answer №1

One way to achieve this is by attaching the mouse wheel event to a function that allows you to scroll a specific div.

document.getElementById("mybody").addEventListener("wheel", customScrollFunction);
function customScrollFunction() {
 //Implement your logic to scroll the div

I hope this solution proves helpful.

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